As mentioned in the Ball's programme, during the course of the dinner a charity raffle will be held to raise funds for our charity partner: the Associazione Italiana GIST
About the Associazione Italiana GIST
Associazione Italiana GIST (AIG) is a non-profit organization founded in 2006. AIG's mission is to raise awareness of and assist patients affected by Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST). GISTs are a rare form of tumour affecting 600-900 new patients per year in Italy alone.
GISTs do not respond to traditional therapies such as chemotherapy and are incurable unless surgically removed at a very early stage. Due to medical advances over the last 15 years, life expectancy of GIST patients can be extended by many years if given access to the right treatment by expert oncologists.
Since its founding, AIG has provided invaluable assistance to patients affected by this pathology and their family-members by connecting them with centres of excellence to receive appropriate counselling and treatment. AIG actively communicates with other GIST patient associations and research centres worldwide to spread information about new/upcoming treatments and medical trials, ensuring that GIST patients' rights are taken into account by the authorities.
AIG is also a member of the Global GIST Network and European Cancer Patient Coalition. For more information, please visit the AIG website
Our charity raffle
During the aperitif and dinner it will be possible for guests to buy tickets for the charity raffle.
The prize draw will take place at the end of the dinner and the lucky ones will be presented with their prizes by the Mrs. Barbara Tamagni (president of AIG), as well as the event sponsors and donors.
The proceedings of the raffle ticket sales will be donated to the AIG in order to fund their latest endeavor: a clinical trial to evaluate the use of immunotherapy as an avenue to combat drug-resistant GIST strains.
Raffle Prize Donations
The organizing committee is keen to collect as many prizes as possible for the charity raffle.
Should you be interested in providing your company's products/services as a prize for the raffle, please contact us at our e-mail address
All donors for the charity raffle will be listed on our website and cited during the prize draw.