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in accordance with art. 13-14 of GDPR REG EU 2016/679

(Personal Data Protection Code)



Dear User,

this information is provided in connection with the website "" (hereinafter the "Site") owned and operated by the "Milan JBSB" Committee, with its registered office in via Soresina, 16, Milan 20144 (MI), VAT No. 09935050964 (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") as the Data Controller, and not for any other websites that may be viewed by the user through links found on the Site, or sites to which the User subsequently accessed after visiting the Site or before accessing the Site.

The information is intended for all those who interact with the web pages of the Site, both those who use the Site without any registration, and those who, at the end of a specific procedure, sign up for the Site and use online services offered there by purchasing the tickets. This information is made pursuant to art. 13-14 of GDPR REG EU 2016/679 and related harmonization Legislative Decree 10/08/2018 nr. 101 and all other applicable rules on privacy.



You can access the Site without any personal information being required. However, computer systems and software running the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of Internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected to identify the users, but also by their very nature could, through elaborations or associations, allow the identification of the user. This category includes the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Site, addresses of required resources in URL format, access time, browser used to connect, file size obtained in response, etc. This data is only used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site (such as the number of accesses) and to check that they are working properly and are deleted immediately after processing.

In this process, no directly identifying information is provided. Cookies may be used for the transmission of personal information. The use of session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user's computer and vanish with the browser's closure) are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) needed to allow safe browsing and efficient site.



The information and data required case of registration will be used to allow access to the reserved area of ​​the Site, and to take advantage of the online services offered by the Milan JBSB Committee. The personal data of the registered users will be processed for the purposes and in the manner described in this information.



If an order is made, some data is recorded, such as the IP address from which the transaction originated, the time of the request, the type of browser being used, and so on. These data may be used for the detection of liability in the event of hypothetical cybercrime for damage to the Site and / or third parties, upon impulse of the competent investigating authorities under the law or as proof of purchase.



The registration of the Site and any subsequent use of the Services made by the "Milan JBSB" Committee through the Site, including the booking, purchase, issuance of tickets (ticketing), the sending of information material and advertising, etc., will entail the processing of personal data concerning the User and that are or will be provided to us by the User. Therefore, pursuant of GDPR REG EU 2016/679 and Legislative Decree 30/06/2003 nr. 196  (hereafter "Privacy Code"), hereby inform you that the Committee, as the owner of the Site and as a Holder, will process your personal data concerning you under the following conditions.


Art. 1. Purpose of handling

The processing of personal data (including their registration in the records of the Committee) is directed solely to the attainment of the following aims:

a) to guarantee registration on the Site and proper delivery of the services requested to the Committee through the Site and, therefore, to fulfill in a correct and timely manner all the obligations arising out of the contractual relationship established with you and the obligations deriving from the law or the regulations in force, in particular in the tax and public security sectors;

b) for administrative and accounting purposes, including the possible electronic invoice delivery of commercial invoices by the Committee and / or its affiliated companies in the provision of the service;

c) for the registration of the mailing lists held by our Committee, the conduct of market surveys and the submission of advertising material and information on the products and services offered by the Committee or by third parties (including our sponsors located in both the EU and non-EU countries, provided they have rules for the protection of personal information that are compatible with those of the EU) to which the Data may be disseminated by means of automated systems such as e-mail, fax, sms or MMS;

d) for the elaboration of the customer's commercial profile (by means of consumption habits), aimed at monitoring the degree of customers satisfaction to ensure that their requirements are met, as well as sending information and / or advertising material of specific interest to the customers, through mean of automated systems, such as email, fax, sms or MMS, and also by our sponsors.


Art. 2. Data transfer and consequences in case of failure to consent to the processing

The provision of the data for registration to the Site is merely optional but necessary for access to the reserved area of ​​the Site and therefore to the services offered by the “Milan JBSB” Committee by means of the Site. Therefore, registration with the Site implies your consent to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purposes of the contractual relationship and for the purpose of administrative and accounting purposes, as indicated in “a” and “b” of art. 1 above. With reference to the other purposes of the treatment indicated in art. 1 above, please note that consent to the processing of your data is merely optional. However, lack of assurance will imply the consequences described below. In particular, failure to consent to the processing of data for the purposes set out in art. 1 “c” above will result in the impossibility for you to receive advertising material, brochures and information about the services and products offered by our Committee or by third parties (such as concerts, performances, theater performances, events sportsmen, etc.). Finally, failure to consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of art. 1 “d” above will result in the impossibility for our Committee to develop customer habit profiles (aimed at ensuring greater satisfaction of the needs of the same customers and continually improving the services offered) as well as sending information and advertising material of your specific interest. Following the foregoing, it is understood that, in the event of your denial of consent to the processing of your personal data concerning you, our Committee may still use your data only for the purpose of properly fulfilling the obligations of the law in force. Please also note that your consent to the processing of data for one or more of the above purposes may be revoked at any time by communication to the Committee.


Art. 3. Processing

The processing of your personal data will mainly be done by electronic or automated means, in accordance with the methods and tools that are appropriate to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions by Legislative Decree 196/2003 and REG EU 2016/679. In particular, all technical, IT, organizational, logistical and procedural security measures, as provided by the above-mentioned regulations, will be adopted so that the minimum level of data protection provided by law is guaranteed, access only to persons responsible for processing by the Registrar or the persons designated by the Holder. The information acquired and how it will be processed will be relevant and not excessive in relation to the type of services rendered. The data will also be managed and protected in environments whose access is under constant control.


Art. 4. Communication and dissemination of data

Your data may be communicated to:

a) all those subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data by regulatory or administrative measures;

b) third parties whose products or services are offered or sold through the Website (and, in particular, to sponsors or sponsors of events organized by the Committee and whose purchase of the relevant tickets is offered through the Site);

c) companies or third parties responsible for printing;

d) Post offices, couriers or freight forwarders responsible for delivering products purchased through the Site;

e) banking institutions and companies operating national or international payment circuits through which online payments of products purchased through the Site are made;

f) Companies, consultants or professionals who may be responsible for accounting, installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, the management of the hardware and software of the Committee or the Committee used to provide its services;

g) to companies or Internet Providers responsible for sending documentation and / or information material;

h) companies responsible for the preparation and / or submission of advertising and information material on behalf of our Committee;

i) business schools belonging to the Committee's organizers or participants in events organized by the Committee, or to its sponsors , having offices in Italy or abroad, inside or outside the European Union;

j) all public and / or private entities, natural and / or legal persons (legal, administrative and fiscal consultancy, Judicial offices, Chambers of Commerce, Chambers of Commerce, etc.), if the communication is necessary or functional for the proper fulfillment of the contractual obligations assumed and the obligations deriving from the law.

The data concerning it will not be spread beyond to the above, if not in anonymous and aggregated form, for statistical purposes or research.


Art. 5. Owner and Person in charge of the Processing of Personal Data

The holder of the personal data processing is the Milan JBSB Committee with registered office in Via Soresina, 16, Milan 20144 (MI). The person responsible for the processing, pursuant to art. 29 Legislative Decree 196/2003, is the Chairman of the Board in office, domiciled at the headquarters of the Holder, in Via Soresina, 16, Milan 20144 (MI). All inquiries and requests relating to the processing of personal data concerning you can be addressed to the Owner or Responsible Agent above at the following addresses:


Comitato Milan JBSB

via Soresina, 16

Milan 20144 (MI)



Art. 6. Retention of Personal Data

Your personal data will be retained as long as it is necessary to ensure the proper provision of the services offered by our Committee. In the event of cancellation, exclusion or disabling of your account being used on the Site, your data will be retained for administrative purposes for a period not exceeding five years, subject to any specific legal obligations on the retention of accounting documentation or for public security purposes. In such cases, automatic deletion of the data will also be guaranteed by the third parties for which they have been notified. In any case, it is understood that your personal data will be stored and processed for the purpose of verifying the habits of consumption and marketing for the period allowed by law and the requirements of the Guarantor for Personal Data Processing. Once this period has expired, your data will be transformed into anonymous form, so you will not even allow indirectly to identify those who are interested.


Art. 7. Right of Access to Personal Data

According to the above-mentioned regulations, you have the right, inter alia, to:

a) obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you and their communication in an intelligible manner;

b) obtain by the data controller or by the person in charge of processing:

- indication of the origin of personal data, the purposes and methods of processing, the logic applied when processing by electronic means;

- indication of the identification data of the data controller and responsible persons, as well as possibly a representative appointed by a foreign subject to the processing of data in Italy;

- information about the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of them as designated representative in the territory of the state, of persons responsible or in charge;

c) obtaining:

- the updating, rectification or integration of the data concerning you; deletion, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those for which the retention is required in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

- the attestation that the operations referred in the preceding paragraphs were also made known to the extent to which they were communicated or disseminated, unless such fulfillment is impossible or involves the use of manifestly disproportionate means with respect to the right protected;

d) oppose, in whole or in part:

- for legitimate reasons, to the processing of the data concerning you, though relevant to the purpose of the collection;

- to the processing of personal data that concern you, intended for the purpose of commercial information or the sending of advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by request addressed without formalities to the Owner or to the Manager. The request may be sent to the Owner or the Responder by registered letter, or by e-mail to the following e-mail address:


* * * *

As you know, the REG EU 2016/679 stipulates that the processing of personal data will be made with the consent of the person concerned, subject to the exclusion cases specifically specified by the law. For this reason, please expressly express your consent to the processing of your personal data for the above purposes.


The "Milan JBSB" Committee

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